Confederate Memorial Day Service 2024
On Tuesday, April 23, 2024, the Col. Samuel St. George Rogers SCV Camp #1865 held their annual Confederate Memorial Day Service at the Confederate Veteran Statue in Veterans Park, Ocala, Marion County, Florida. The 54 attendees comprised representatives from five Sons of Confederate Veterans Camps from the 8th Brigade of the Florida Division, four chapters of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, members of the Order of Confederate Rose, friends, family, and guests.
Besides Camp 1865, the SCV Camps represented were the Col. John Marshal Martin Camp 730, the Private William Riley Milton Camp 741, the Major General John C. Breckenridge Camp 1786, and the General Jubal A. Early Camp #556. The United Daughters of the Confederacy chapters in attendance were the Marion Dragoons UDC Chapter 2311, the Granville Beville UDC Chapter 2234, the General Robert Bullock UDC Chapter 2420, and the 1st. Maryland Cavalry UDC Chapter 1868. The Josephine Baynard Rogers OCR Chapter 18 was represented as was the Florida Society of the Confederate Rose.
After the presentation of the colors by our Confederate Color Guard , we held a brief memorial service with presentations about Co. E, 2nd Florida Infantry by Camp Commander Bob Highbaugh and the history of the Confederate Memorial Statue and Confederate Memorial Day by OCR Chapter 18 President Judy Rainey. The Confederate Memorial Day poem was read by OCR Chpater 18 member Katelynn Cook before a memorial wreath was placed at the foot of the Confederate Memorial Statue.
After the brief service, members and their guests enjoyed a BBQ social at the adjacent park pavillion.